Article I: Voting - University of Toronto
University of Toronto shall have two votes, one vested in the Principal of Woodsworth College or her/his delegate, the other vested in the Director of the School of Continuing Studies or her/his delegate.
Article II: Membership
There shall be three membership categories:
- Institutional - Continuing Education representatives from institutions that report direct through their Executive Head to COU. Voting.
- Subscriber - Associations, agencies, or persons associated with, or interested in, post-secondary continuing education. Non-Voting.
- Honorary - Persons so designated by the Council for outstanding contributions to post-secondary continuing education in Ontario . Non-Voting.
Article III: Membership Committee
Decisions on applications for all memberships shall be made by the Executive Committee serving as a Membership Committee.
The president shall be responsible for maintaining effective liaison with the Council of Ontario Universities as may be deemed necessary for carrying out the objectives of the Council.
Article IV: Amendment
This Constitution and its By-Laws may be amended by majority vote at any regular meeting of the Council, providing notice of the proposal amendment has been distributed to the members at least thirty days in advance of such meetings.
Article V: By-Laws
The council shall have the power to establish its own By-Laws.
Article VI: Definition of Quorum
For meetings of the Executive Committee, quorum is established as 50% of voting members.
For meetings of the Council, quorum is defined as 50% of membership plus one.
Article VII: Archives
The Kelly Library at the University of Saint Michael 's College is the permanent home of the OCULL archives. It is the responsibility of the OCULL Secretary to send the current year's minutes and other relevant archival materials to the archives at the conclusion of each year. Indexing the archival materials is the responsibility of OCULL. An honorarium of $200 will be paid to the Kelly Library each year to support upkeep of the archives.