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Proposal Submission Form

Use this form to submit your presentation proposal for the 2023 OCULL AGM and Professional Development Retreat. If you are proposing more than one presentation, please make a separate submission for each proposal.

Our theme this year is: Creating Diverse Pathways Through Lifelong Learning

Submission Deadline Extended: October 16, 2023

Formal presentations will be 60 minutes including Q & A.

Presentation Title
This will be displayed in the program.
Conference Topic
Session Abstract Narrative
Short Description of up to 50 words for the conference program:
Additional Notes
First and Last Name:
Job Title:
City, Province, Postal Code:
Email Address:
Short Bio (Max 500 words):
Presenter 2 Information
First and Last Name:
Job Title:
Presenter 3 Information
First and Last Name:
Job Title:
By continuing with this submission, I understand that I and my co-presenters (as applicable) are required to register and pay in full for participation in this conference.